Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Krista's Baby Shower & More!!

We had such a great weekend! We went to Krista's baby shower, went to Grandma and Grandpa's house in New Ulm (and had so much fun playing with Noelle!), and also got Olive's 1 year pictures taken by Marsha Jones! We were busy, but it was fun!!

Krista had a lovely shower, and it was great to spend time with family and friends. Olive loved helping Krista unwrap her gifts! She also loved playing peek a boo with GG (Great Grandma Hermann).

Olive LOVES all the toys that Grandma and Grandpa have, especially the drum! Her and Noelle had a great time together. And of course Olive had a great time with Grandma and Grandpa Hermann!

Grandma and Grandpa gave Olive her birthday present early so that Chris could get it set up right away. (Some assembly required :) ) Olive loves her new cart to push around... she cruises pretty fast with that thing! She loves to put toys in and out of the cart. Yes, we had permission to give the gift to her early! It wasn't my decision, Grandpa said she was ready for this toy! ;)

Lastly, We love you Berk!

Monday, May 9, 2011


Here are a couple (very late, sorry) Easter pictures! As well as enjoying the swings at the park, which we try to do every day it's nice out. The last picture was from last weekend, my Aunt Joni and I (and Olive) ventured to Lake Elmo for Shepherd's Harvest Sheep and Wool Festival. We had a great time, saw so many wonderful artists and their beautiful crafts. There were even sheep and Alpaca there. My favorite yarn store, Ewetopia even had a booth there! Bought some beautiful wool that I will one day spin. Even got a couple wool dryer balls! Also found a guy that is going to fix up my 1800's spinning wheel that Grandma Hermann gave me. Sweet!! Anyway, it was a great day, and we had so much fun getting ideas for future projects! Oh yeah, and we passed on the lamb chop and/or lamb brat for lunch... didn't seem right! Hope to go next year too! The last picture is for Olive, she loves the book "Is your Mama a Llama?"... too bad she was sleeping!