Sunday, May 27, 2012

A few pictures!

We've been busy, sorry I haven't updated this in a while! Here are some pictures from the last few weeks:

Thank you, aunt Joni for the farmer in the dell puppets, she loves it! Especially the cheese!

At the Madison zoo with the Korthuis family. Thank you for the invite, it was a great thing to do while Chris was away.

We also visited GG in owatonna!

She really does love trees :)

In New Ulm sharing a cookie with Papa

Made aunt Joni's pancakes! Thanks for the recipe :)

Thank you Marsha, for taking Olive's 2 year pictures. I can't wait to see them! This is how she looked after we left your house!

Today was the day that I went on my first tour of Schell's Brewery! It was fun and very informative. Love all the history!

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