Monday, March 19, 2012

Bike ride

Sunday we all took a long bike ride around la crosse. It was a beautiful day and such a joy for us all- especially for olive in the ibert seat (pic below). She loves to be able to talk to us and wave to trucks, people etc.

These pictures were all taken at the Friendship gardens at riverside park, she found this sun face fountain quite interesting!

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Made popcorn with Olive tonight for the first time! She loves it :)

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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Olive enjoying a cupcake!

It was close to 80 degrees here on March 17th! Yes, the sprinkler is out and swimsuits are on! Olive wasn't too sure about that sprinkler and the cold water!

The girls had so much fun playing outside together! The night ended with a Bon fire and s'mores :)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Daddy/ Daughter date to The Circus!!

Okay, so the pictures aren't the best... left the good camera at home and took the small one. But, you get the idea :)

Chris and Chad took their girls to see the Shrine Circus on Wednesday. They all had a great time! Olive was mesmerized by the show... she sat on her Daddy's lap the whole time! They left a little early, as it was cutting into Olive's bed time and she was fading fast! Almost fell asleep! Olive's favorite parts of the evening were the elephants and tasting cotton candy for the first time (obviously I wasn't with!) with her good friends Izzy and Ela.  She was talking about the "circus" and the "big elephant" today :) 

Olive is doing really great with the recent day care transition. She's adjusting well and is a happy girl! They do lots of fun things throughout the day; finger painting, sign language, yoga, coloring, playing with rice, singing songs and dancing. She loves her new friends and teachers. All of which, is making me worry less about her when I'm at work :)

Maybe next year she can ride the elephant!

Chad, Isabelle and Gabriela

"Broadway" the Elephant

This was a couple days ago: Olive went to the mitten and hat bin and decided to get ready to go outside!

Being so silly with Daddy!