Daddy and Olive before Sunday brunch. Olive is sporting her new pea coat from Great Grandma Hermann. Ela and Chris sharing a chair at brunch. Two girls and their favorite guy, Chris! Our good friends: Chad, Andrea, Izzy and Ela (peaking from behind!) Olive is a mover now! She's quick and loves to pull up on things... found her for the first time standing in her crib after nap today! Olive loves her new dress from Aunt Angie! Thanks Ang! It fits perfectly! Olive LOVES doing this dance with Chris... I'll try to get it on video, as she is belly laughing the whole time!
Erik, Angie and Olive Uncle Vance and Olive Aunt Pat and Olive Chris and Erik and their brown trout "Uncle" Wes, Jackson and Olive Olive sporting her new sweater I just finished. And her new cowgirl boots! Chris and O in Park City "Uncle" Erik, Izzy and Olive My cousin Erik's daughter Isabelle and Olive Olive's wave! Solitude Nordic Center. Look at all that snow! Ready to snowshoe! Pat, Olive, myself and Angie We had a wonderful vacation in Salt Lake City, Utah. It was great to finally see Pat and Vance's new house! We had great weather, for the most part. Olive was a great little traveler! She learned how to wave while we were there. She mostly waves with the back of her hand facing out... so that was how we all waved for the weekend! Chris, Vance and my cousin Erik went fly fishing on one of the snowy days. Chris and Erik each caught a brown trout! We went snowshoeing- which was a blast! The mountains had gotten 50 inches of fresh snow! It was such a beautiful day. Olive loved it, she slept for most of the hike! Thank you for such a fun and memorable vacation- we'll be back next year! :)